Financial Management Services

What is Financial Management?

Comprehensive process to plan and manage Federal spending across organizations and monitor activities for allocated funds.

  1. Budget Strategy

    Multi-year strategy to include budget planning, formulation, and execution to align agency budgets to Federally allocated funding.

  2. Internal Controls

    Essential mechanisms designed to ensure the integrity of financial and operational processes to include assessments, congressional data calls, and statement of assurances.

  1. Spend Plan Management

    Development, tracking, and analysis of appropriated funding to including forecasts, commitments, and obligations for projects and offices.

  2. Acquisition Strategy

    Full lifecycle of activities from identifying mission needs through planning and execution of contracts through milestone reviews to procure services to the Government.

The M2 Advantage

20+ Years of Federal Financial Management Expertise

Budget Subject Matter Experts
  • Deep federal budget knowledge who have successfully supported organizations with the restructure of their budget
  • Senior analysts who support day-to-day operations in CFO and budget offices
  • Our team understands the full lifecycle of federal budget management and have supported tasks including formulating, executing, and monitoring budgets
Program Planning and Budget Execution (PPBE)
  • Effective team who can support the development of budget artifacts through all phases of PPBE including program planning, budget lifecycle, execution, and closeout
Smartsheet Processes & Dashboards
  • Repeatable financial templates that are tailored for our clients
  • Real-time dashboards to inform decision-making and track expenditures across the organization
Optimize your organizations financial and budget frameworks

Tailored Smartsheet Tools

Strategic Solutions

  • Portfolio Management Frameworks

  • Enterprise Level Spend Plan Management

  • Full Lifecycle Acquistion Management

Operational Solutions

  • Micro-Purchasing Requests

  • Inventory Request Management

  • DLA and SLT Tracking

  • Reimbursable Agreements

  • Undelivered Order Tracker

  • Procurement Management

Ready To Transform Your Financial Management Processes?

A strategy and management consulting firm whose motto, Think Differently & Work Smarter, is integrated in all components of our solutions and operations.

7900 Tysons One Pl, Ste 240 McLean, VA 22102

Phone: (703) 822-5600